Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you always imagined- Thoreau

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Kerman/Long Beach, Cali Bebe
I generally have interesting days and always an interesting outlook, so as a writer with just a resume...here goes everything...


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I'm working on creating my life. This is the beginning of the conscious tip because life is not about finding yourself, but creating yourself.

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Wednesday, February 23, 2011

WWE: The Life Lesson I Learned, While Digging in My Purse

So I uncharacteristically (okay, sorta uncharacteristically) locked myself out of my apartment this a.m.

Luckily, my landlords are far to kind and are on their way to unlock my door. I'm a good tenant, what can I say.

Anyway, I decided to walk up the street to the local market for something to drink, and totally had an epiphany! I was digging in my purse for a mint and noticed that despite all the compartments my purse offered, my purse contents were completely unorganized and in none of the many pouches perfectly created to make my life easier!

It made me think, I wonder what other ways I am failing to use resources easily available to me, resources designed to make my life simpler.

I'm on a quest to ponder this thought for the next week and see if I can recognize and commit to utilizing all the parts of life that can improve mine. Would you be interested in doing the same?

Also, how do you like my purse-pocket analogy? Do thoughts like this ever pop up in any of your minds? Please comment below and don't forget to utilize.

1 comment:

  1. First of all let me say that you had me busting up in the first line of this blog! Because yes, that is something that I would expect from you! Second, I agree. I think there are a lot of things around us to help make our lives a little simpler but for one rerason or another we don't make the time to help oursleves out. And I bet if we "weeded" out our "purses" you would find things in there that really dont need to be in there too. Why is that? I think it has a lot to do with pure laziness. I think a lot of our generation and especially the new generation expects things to be done for them, or are just carless. Not that there aren't hard working individuals out there who are conscience about making their life simpler and appreciate all the little things that they have in their life that make them happy, but I think there is always a "big" problem or issue in our lives that pre-occupies our thoughts from all the little things in life that really matter....

    So do I like your purse analogy? Yes! It makes lots of sense and am going to try and make a more conscience effort to make my life easier :)

