The other night I was thinking about the expectations that I hold for my friends/lovers/roommates etc. and I realized that the most important ones are all free!
Not in an order of importance, but I expect:
- Respect
- Honesty
- Trust
- Communication
- Privacy
- Understanding
- Humor
- Interest in my life
- Mental Support
And that made me IMPORTANT is money? I know it's highly desired and absolutely necessary, but how IMPORTANT is it?
What types of expectations do you have for the most important people in your life? Any to add to mine? And how high up on the list is a large income or financial support?
If you don't happen to be someone that makes a great deal of money, let my list be a reason for you to look up and realize that just because you can't offer someone money or financial support, offering them things like honesty and respect are really priceless.
PeaceNlove my friends!